February 3, 2013

Day 4

Today everyone divide up the work to be in groups which one group goes along the beach to collect some bottle that tourists left it, one group create a structure of product by steel rod, and another group go to buy some materials that need to be used in design such as rope and wire net. After we can collect everything as plan, we start to build up the structure by bending the steel follow the design and everyone tries to bind off steel frame until night. 

Our dinner is a grilled fish and we don't have any spoon or fork so we just make it simple eat by using hand, this is a local food which even it has to be grilled but it doesn't create much smoke and pollute the air. 

Everyone helps each other to work until 4 a.m. and the product that we think is formed and it is almost done. Because of everyone is too tired so we break and get back to sleep. Finally, today we can produce the product that made from the waste in the beach especially beer bottle to become more useful and can be use in real. With the design it can cover a normal rubbish basket and make everyone knows that the garbage that was thrown away and bad for environment, it can be changed to be useful and can be one way to save environment as well.

Our prototype done by Raffle Design Students

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